

The Lion King Characters

性格各异的人物是影片的灵魂,作为一部成功的动画片,《狮子王》自然也不例外。为了让动画人物获得生命,数以百计的动画设计师采用了迪斯尼人物构思的一贯方针---先确定人物的个性,找到合适的配音演员;然后以这些演员为蓝本进行人物的最终设计。所以在前后两部片子中,我们都感觉到人物的性格和其声音配合得天衣无缝,再加上完美的形象,使得这些非洲动物们活灵活现地展露在观众面前。 The characters are the soul of the movie, as a successful animation, "The Lion King" is of no exception. In order to bring the pictures to life, hundreds of creative artists uses the traditional way of character design--- decide the characters' personalities, then find the proper voice providers. After that they mix the voice provider's appearance and personalities together with the characters, then come the vivid roles.


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The Lion King Characters

Lion King 2 Characters



英文资料来源: http://www.lionking.org

中文资料来源: http://www.kovu.info  由Kovu撰写。

图片资料来源: Lion Kingdom  由Mufasa收集整理。