
辛巴被赶出荣耀王国时偶然发现了他。经过他“聪明”的头脑思考决定留下这头小狮子做他和彭彭的保镖。他和彭彭两人的搞笑水准可谓一流,即使在关键时候仍不忘“幽默”。在他们“Hakuna Matata"的教导下,辛巴渐渐接受了他们的生活哲学---逃避。
Timon is a hyperactive meerkat with a motor mouth. Whether he's making good-natured jokes at Pumbaa's expense or pitching his free-wheeling lifestyle to Simba, Timon always has a fast line. But behind the patter is a loyal little guy who'd give his last wisecrack to help a friend. 

丁满 Timon
发育不良的小个子猫鼬,自称聪明潇洒. Overactive Meerkat, couldn't stop talking for one single minute!
配音 Voice Provider Nathan Lane
角色监制 Character Supervisor Michael Surrey
角色制作 Animator Brain Ferguson
James Lopez
Mike Show